Warren Redlich is a man on the move. In this case moving while he's supposed to be still for a photo. Eventually we got it right and here's Warren where he's supposed to be:

When he's not modeling, Warren is either working or eating. Sometimes they go together. Here's Warren Redlich eating a hot dog with West Boca News advertiser John (Jack) Rose at his hot dog stand in West Boca Raton, Florida.

Sometimes he gets to spend time with old friends. Here's Warren Redlich with some of his old high school buddies. They met in Myrtle Beach for a golf and beach vacation. It was a great trip.

Then there's training. Here's Warren with some Florida friends including Alex Berry and Marc Tancer (the sad Jets fan and owner of Taggart Trading) at a shooting range in Okeechobee. Those paper targets did not look healthy after this crew was done with them.

And then there's quality time with the wife, in this case at a breast cancer walk at Mizner Park in Boca Raton.