Thursday, February 02, 2006

Speeding tickets

With all the traffic on the Speeding Ticket FAQ page on my main site, I figured I should add more information. Plus, I get calls occasionally from people with tickets in other places that I don't handle. I've had calls about Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and many for New York City, Long Island and Westchester.

So I've added three new pages:

New York City speeding tickets,

New Jersey speeding tickets,


California speeding tickets.

Now I'm going to watch Google Analytics to see if these pages get any traffic. I doubt they'll rank on searches, but maybe some of the visitors to the main faq page will see the links and click over. I will probably add some other states in the future, but for now I want to see how these do.

It's somewhat interesting to see how other states handle speeding tickets. From a brief look around, NY may be one of the toughest states, with high fines and surcharges. On a brief review, California may be even worse.

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